10 Things I Hate...

About BTC. Since btcsucks posts seem to be in vogue, it seems like an auspicious second post!

10. Parking
9. Parking
8. Parking
7. Parking
6. Parking
5. Parking
4. Parking
3. Parking
2. Parking
1. Parking

Now that we're already into week 3 of school, most teething problems have been ironed out. Wireless works. The canteen stalls are open. (Doesn't actually say anything about the quality though) Construction on law school buildings are mostly done - though there are still a zillion construction workers around. I like the fact that on Fridays, we have free reign over SPE and can play badmintontennissquashsoccerbasketball to our heart's content.

Of course not everything's rosy. There are never enough power points to go around, since everyone brings laptops to class. But then again, that's a good thing. Insufficient power points = Inability to plug in all the time = Power conservation = Wireless off = No internet/MSN during class = PAYING ATTENTION.


There are nowhere near enough parking lots in sufficiently convenient places so you don't have to walk 10 minutes to get to school. Which is equivalent to taking the bus. Way too many law students drive to school! And to think we used to whine about climbing up the 60+ steps (Cheryl Li kept count!) from the old business canteen car park. At least then you knew that whatever time you came to school, you were assured of a lot. Now, I can wait-long-long in the hope of ever getting a spot outside the canteen when I get to school. If I'm lucky, I can get a spot in front of the Eu Tong Sen building. Otherwise, it's outside SPE for me.


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