Interruption in Service

I had meant to put up law iv photos and video(s), but blogger is being singularly uncooperative and refusing my uploads. So, I shall blog about Eileen instead.

(Previously, I had pulled a whole bunch of hearsay cases off westlaw and lawnet. Not that I read them, but Eileen apparently does. So anyhow)

Earlier today, I passed Eileen a thumb drive for her to copy the cases onto her laptop. When I got home at about 10-ish, this is the emergency message I saw...

[eileen] Marc owes PSC a treat says:
[eileen] Marc owes PSC a treat says:
i cant rem where i copied the cases to
[eileen] Marc owes PSC a treat says:
dont laugh! or roll your eyes
[eileen] Marc owes PSC a treat says:
can you msn them preety preeety please???

I duly sent them to her again. To my extreme amusement, when I plugged in my thumb drive 2 directories popped out: /hearsay cases and /Copy of hearsay cases. No prizes for guessing where she copied them to!

[eileen] Marc owes PSC a treat says:
i copied them to your thumbdrive???
[eileen] Marc owes PSC a treat says:
are you sure??
[eileen] Marc owes PSC a treat says:
ok please dont tell anyone
[eileen] Marc owes PSC a treat says:
i have had a very embarassing day
[eileen] Marc owes PSC a treat says:
i just figured out
[eileen] Marc owes PSC a treat says:
that i couldnt see properly because....
[eileen] Marc owes PSC a treat says:
i wore my left contact on my right eye and vice versa

And all this drama over and above lunch with uncle henry....

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