
Why do I have such a sucky work ethic? Why can't I be like one of those types who finish essays/assignments a few days before they're due and rest assured that I have completed my work, and even had time to revise it a few times before submission? Why do I always have to wait til the 11th hour (and 59th minute) to get things done?

Hard work often pays off after a time, but laziness always pays off now.

Which is true (I've spent the past 24 years of my life living like this) but sometimes I wish I could put in the hard work now so I can enjoy being lazy later, instead of furtively being lazy now and regretting it, and still having to put in the hard work.

I've spent the past hour surfing, chatting on msn, looking at baby photos, snacking. Oh and obviously, blogging. Doing everything except what I should be doing, which is writing about gst and financial services.



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