Can't Help...

No, not Elvis Presley. Not by a long shot. Nor Meteor Garden. Eww. But Forbidden City, by Dick Lee. I know Forbidden City is so yesterday's news, and it's come and gone a second time already, but this song was running through my head today (like, over and over. bleh) and I think that despite being exceedingly cynical, there's something oh-so-true about the lyrics. Not that I subscribe to this particular school of thought, but it's something to chew on.

Falling in Love
Falling in love is just that
Out of control of your heart and your soul

Falling in love is just that
That's how it feels
Falling head over heels

Why love when hurts?
Why love when love ends?
I know how it feels when it turns and pretends
It ends with the pain
And the making amends
Why love when there's peace
In the making of friends?

Losing your heart is just that
Too high a cost
When it's given it's lost

Taking a risk is just that
Been there before
I can't take anymore

Why love when hurts?
Why love when love ends?
I know how it feels when it turns and pretends
It ends with the pain
And the making amends
Why love when there's peace
In the making of friends?

FYI, I actually watched Forbidden City the first time it ran. So I'm not that backward.

... with you.


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