It's finally happened.

Yes, ladies, gentlemen, boys, girls, I am *finally*, after all these years, going to be able to enjoy what everyone else takes for granted. I AM GOING TO GET CABLE TV! No more going round to peoples' houses on saturday night hoping for charity to watch the Chelsea match. No more wierd looks when I admit, half-shamedfacedly, that I do not have cable at home. In an effort to listen to the government for once, I am going to join the cable revolution. Cable Ready(tm) For The Win!

BUT. Enough of being happy. Time to rant.
Starhub, in all their wisdom, has deemed it fit to discriminate against people based on the type of property they own/live in. Fine, I'll admit that it could be an economy of scale thing. They pay for one line to a block of flats/condo, they can cater to the entire block. BUT WHY ON EARTH DO THEY DISCRIMINATE AGAINST DIFFERENT TYPES OF LANDED PROPERTY!

They have a 2-tier pricing structure. "Exclusive Bungalow", as they call it, and everyone else. And they charge more than double for "Exclusive Bungalow" residents. From $98 a month to $248 a month. (If you want a 2 year contract. For a 5 year contract, it's $50 vs $120 a month)



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