Today I was teaching my Sunday School class (5-6 year olds - kindergarteners) when something rather... amusing happened. One of the boys was helping one of the girls with her worksheet, and another (rather precocious) child piped up:

"Caleb and Elaine sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

Is it just me, or when I was in kindergarten I wasn't really aware that girls existed? Like, in a vague sort of way I knew the world was divided into boys and girls, and that they went to different bathrooms, but I'm pretty sure that then I didn't know you could do fun things with them like K-I-S-S.

But then again, I didn't ask whether they actually knew what it meant to K-I-S-S, so I can only conjecture. But that precocious child knew to connect the two - that when a boy helps a girl, no good can come out of it there's some chance that he might be interested in her.

Just a small chance.

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  1. monsteress said...

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