The Dark Eyed Sailor

Sometimes the cheesy love stories can be nice too!

It was a comely young lady fair,
Was walking out for to take the air;
She met a sailor down by the way,
So I paid attention,
So I paid attention to what they would say.

Said William: "Lady, why walk alone?
For the night is coming and the day near gone."
She said, while tears did fall,
"It's a dark-eyed sailor,
It's a dark-eyed sailor that's proving my downfall.

"It is seven long years since he left the land,
And a gold ring he took from off his hand;
He broke the token, gave half to me,
While the other lies rolling,
While the other lies rolling in the bottom of the sea."

When half the ring did young William show,
She was distracted midst joy and woe.
"Oh welcome, William, I have lands and gold
For my dark-eyed sailor,
For my dark-eyed salor so manly and bold."

In the little cottage down by the sea,
They joined in wedlock and you'll well agree.
Young girls be true while your love's away,
For a stormy morning,
For a cloudy morning brings forth a pleasant day.


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