
As much as I enjoy studyingphotoshopping for exams, what I'd really really REALLY like to do right now is go on a looooong drive. Like, a long, straight road with absolutely no one in sight, a glorious, clear sky with a few wisps of clouds for company, rolling wheat fields on both sides of the road stretching to the horizon. And maybe a good (Christmas) CD on the stereo.

No, the N-S highway to KL does not count. I'm thinking, some interstate in Wyoming.

Road trip, anyone?


  1. xx krystle xx said...
    is that a giraffe on your lap, or are you just happy to be driving?
    ell said...
    Ok this is getting ridiculous. The presence of the giraffe is entirely incidental to the whole driving thing. Why is he/it always the first thing people refer to when they see that picture?

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