
My sister isn't normally a soccer fan, but recently she's been watching EPL on Saturdays with my brother and I. Some choice quotes, all in the space of 90 minutes. (Manchester United v. Portsmouth and Liverpool v. Reading were on)

"Why he never tuck in his drawstring! So unglam" (Referring Evra, or some other ManU player) [Note to self: I am guilty of this sometimes too]

"Is v-neck or collar nicer?" (Comparing ManU's and Portsmouth's jerseys)

"Wah, Wayne Rooney's jersey so tight"

"Is it when the defenders are too lazy to defend, or they know they cannot make it, so they all run away?" (Trying to understand the offside trap)

"Ee I don't like his hair. Look like worms" (Dirk Kuyt of Liverpool)

"He needs to shave his sideburns" (Ryan Giggs)

"Huh? How come he suddenly become so dark?" (Confusing Jermaine Pennant with Ryan Giggs, who both have very thick and bushy sideburns. We were swapping between both matches)

"Can you all stop changing the channel? It's very confusing for me to remember who is scoring which side"

"Their thighs must be all very muscular, that's why the shorts are all so tight"

"He runs funny" (Peter Crouch, who has the longest legs ever.) - Actually, I have to agree with this one.

"I think Reading will never be a popular club. Their jersey so ugly, who will want to wear out" - Again, I think I'd agree. Then again, I think ManU's new muscle fit thing isn't too pretty either.

Makes for entertaining viewing, although I think I feel slightly stupider, football-wise.


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