poor norwich

Another day, another team visiting Stamford Bridge only to lose by a wider margin than their performance deserved. For much of the first half, Norwich City gave as good as they got, coming agonizingly close by hitting the post and with Cech sprawled and most probably beaten, had a goalbound effort hacked away by (*gasp*) surprise surprise, Khalid Bouhlarouz. (who, just back from injury, was later unfortunately injured again)

But then again you sensed that Chelsea were always in control of the match, and once SWP saw his shot fortuitously deflected into the Norwich net it was always going to be one team going into the draw for the quarter finals on Monday, and that team wasn't the one owned by some chef/cookbook author.

To be brutally honest, 2-0 or 2-1 would have been a fairer scoreline, and Chelsea generally looked disinterested and pedestrian after Drogba went off. Shevchen ko put in a good performance though, and while you can't really say he deserved his goal I'm sure no one will begrudge him his effort just before the full-time whistle.

In other news, Happy Lunar New Year of the (Muddy) Pig


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