What Women Want

Well, not women, one woman in question.

Simple young lady with complicated needs... well, needs a man to treat her like a lady.

Highly driven, outrageously successful, mindblowingly interesting, exceptionally hot and a painful, painful TEASE... In other words, you can GO ELSEWHERE(i.e. get lost) to get your fix from a slut cos I'm not one.

Need a man who
2. Is just as successful and driven(otherwise you'd look REALLY, REALLY stupid beside me)
3. Is preferably also in the legal field(and I don't mean paralegals/pupils dripping with green snot)
4. Is either Brit, American, Phillippino, Middle-Eastern, Hispanic or ABC
5. Is BIG- at least 1.75m tall and 80kg- in other words, no scrawnies please
6. At least knows that Frasier Krane is not something you eat with your spaghetti(Kelsey Grammer's incredible talent is open to debate even though I'll smack anyone who so much as tells me he stinks); well-travelled too
7. Loves beautiful cars and sports(so we'd at least have something in common)
8. Is NOT a lecher or sex-mad frog
9. Has a sense of humour and wit about him(very important!)
10. Knows how to appreciate the uncommonly beautiful
And... it would help if you look like Colin Firth or Julian McMahon =)

Most of all, I need you to be at least 35. No boys please. Comprende?

Apparently she's 22, so if she is in the 'legal field', that would put her as a.... fourth yearer? *boggleboggle*

Sigh, sucks to be an almost, but not quite, 'pupil dripping with green snot'.

1 Comment:

  1. Jammy said...
    My my I wonder who could that be.

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