All I want to do is...

Find a way back into love!

Ok, those of you that know me might know that I'm not much into cinemas and the assorted mindless entertainment that Hollywood churns out by the dozen. There are the notable exceptions (Most of the work by Pixar and Disney is of the usual high standards) but if memory serves me right, the last-time-before-today I stepped into a cinema was for... I don't remember! It was definitely before exchange, so that puts it a good 18 months or more ago. There was an isolated incident last semester for Singapore Dreaming, but those were exceptional circumstances - locally produced movie, Park Cleaner Auntie (she of the salmon and gazelle fame) had a cameo role - and besides, law club was picking up the tab.

So anyway, serendipity (which was another good movie by the way, I <3 style="font-style: italic;">Music & Lyrics. Mh had recommended it a coupla weeks back but well, chances to see it were few and far between. A few short sentences for a mini-review - light hearted and funny, although those of you silly people not into romantic comedies might find it a tad (ok, very) cheesy. Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore (is it just me, or did she lose quite a bit of weight?) have decent chemistry. For a proper review, rotten tomatoes has what you need.

And now for the out of point parts.

  • Haley Bennett is awfully hot. Where on earth did she come from and how come I've never seen her/heard of her before? Plus, she has a decent voice!
  • Hugh Grant, too. The decent voice I mean, not the hotness. Duh!
  • Did you know that in Florida, the only things that grow are oranges?
  • I've been sleeping with a clowncloud above my bed.
  • I miss having a keyboard next to my computer on to tinker on when the mood grabs me. I gave it away cause I wasn't using it much and i was taking up valuable tabletop space, but now I'm not so sure... a whole mini studio would be cool too, except I don't normally compose unless I absolutely have to. I'm more into arranging and chording.
  • Getting to know the staff at a swanky piano shop is absolutely necessary for the ability to tinker on nice pianos when the mood so strikes you.
  • Note to self - when falling asleep under the piano, be careful when waking up.
  • All I want to do is find a way back into love... (True Story!)
  • Haley Bennett is HOT. Oh wait, I've already said that.


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