goodbye world.

I take up my pen and write The Letter.
To say goodbye forever and ever.

I say sorry, and I love you.
There is nothing you could do.

I wish I could care, but that's a lie.
All that's left is the will to die.

Fighting the unreturned love, hurt, and pain.
It makes everyday feel like rain.

You tell me it will get better someday.
But I don't want that is all I can say.

You would think it would matter.
But I don't want to be sadder.

I'm told that it's stupid and very selfish.
But it's what I want, all that I wish.

This darkness sits deep down inside.
To you this I confide.

My world is gone it has left me.
I just don't want to be.

I will miss my friends and family.
But to stay here is beyond my ability.

The time has come to end my life.
With steady hands I pick up the knife.

Two quick slices and blood runs red.
Soon, not much longer and I will be dead.

The darkness is here steadly coming.
Ahh, yes, I'm so tired of running.

I took up my pen and wrote The Letter.
This is it, Goodbye forever and ever.


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