I'm spreading the word

Just so you know, the funky I'M thing on MSN actually has a meaning and purpose behind it. Depending on which word you use (there's more to it than *help) Microsoft will donate a portion of advertising revenue earned from Live Messenger to a charity.

The different options are:
*red+u - American Red Cross
*bgca - Boys & Girls Clubs
*naf - National AIDS Fund
*mssoc - National Multiple Sclerosis Society
*9mil - ninemillion.org (AIDS charity)
*sierra - Sierra Club (Environmentalist Club)
*help - StopGlobalWarming.org
*komen - Susan G. Komen for the cure (for breast cancer)
*unicef - UNICEF, duh.

Since Microsoft is a US company, the charities have a US slant. But hey, at least it's going somewhere and not into Bill's pockets.

But, yeah, don't blindly copycat without knowing what's going on. Although stopping global warming is a very worthy cause. Kinda.

i'm making a difference


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