(time of) our lives

Some parts of this almost made a tear come into my eye. They would have, if not for the other parts THAT NO ONE SHOULD EVER SEE. But ok. In the interests of disseminating this to more people, I have graciously linked it here. And also, to 'perpetuate my unglamness'.

Kudos to sandy for the time and effort to put this together! (Although it does say something about how free one can be with 8 creds of law and 4 creds of non law. And to be accurate, more like 5.6 creds of law and idunno, 2 creds of non law.) (Edit. Apparently 4 credits of non law is worth 6 credits. Because the module is like ICF. Although how any non-law module can be like ICF is beyond me.)


  1. xx krystle xx said...
    ok now u are misrepresenting me. i just meant that there's alot of work and assignments and presentations to do for it la. AND THERE'S STILL AN EXAM AT THE END kanasai.
    Jammy said...
    I wonder why there won't any pictures of your alter ego, Jeeves, in the video!? haha Did somebody give him the day off?

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