Addendum to the previous post:

I've always wanted to get a Steinway. Other than the fact that they make just about the bestest pianos in the world, I had the opportunity to perform on one at UCC - the University Cultural Centre at KR - a couple of years back and the feeling was indescribable. The feeling, touch, action was all exquisite and I felt much, much more skilled and accomplished playing a Steinway than I feel playing any old piano. And the sound... Mmmmhmmmm.

Fast forward to this weekend and I was again back at UCC (though not performing this time) I had the chance to tinker on the piano again. Pure bliss! In an interesting coincidence, I was just thinking about Steinways when a saw a link (well RSS feed) to this article. Well, whadya know!

I figure if Singaporeans (young lawyers in particular) don't bat an eyelid plonking down $150,000 or whatever for a shiny new car, I can probably keep my old car, and spend half of that on a Steinway. Plus, it actually appreciates in value, compared to the car which will be worth a fraction of the original price in 10 years. The only problem would be where to put it.

Oh, and that other slight problem of actually finding time to play it and enjoy it. At least you can drive your shiny new car to and from work. But I kinda suspect that once I get home I'll be too shacked to want to play the piano.

Note to self. To be added to list of qualifications for spouse - 'accomplished concert pianist'. Or at the very least, 'enjoys playing the piano'.


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