the big move

Today my family went to see this house my parents are thinking of buying. For the longest time they've been talking about how no one ever uses the garden, and we're living on prime that can be rented out to expats and all that. Nothing really has been done about it though, since moving is a hassle. The thought of moving has always been rather daunting to me personally, since that involves packing and I HATE PACKING. I wanted to cry the two days before I left Canada to come home, cause I had to pack.

So anyway, the house is pretty cool. It's built into a slope so it has about 6 split levels, and the basement and attic are huge. We lose the garden, but like I said we never use it anyway. Lot's of space for entertaining and all that. Or, according to my parents, we can get married and all still live under one roof. It's about 5 minutes walk from Al Ahzar so supper will be insanely convenient - no more Macs and deliveries! ALl in all, we all were pretty hyped up on the way home.

Then I came home and walked into the huge massive explosion that is my room (Those of you that have been to visit know what I'm talking about) I am not moving if I can possibly help it.

1 Comment:

  1. monsteress said...
    HUH! moving house is a hassle but it's one of the most exciting things (unless your house is being foreclosed by some merciless bank)!

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