Now, you might be thinking *huh* when you read the title. Guess what, so did I! In one of the odder occurrences in my life lately, I mistakenly downloaded this article from HeinOnline while trying to download some aviation article. To be accurate, it got appended to the end of my article so after I happily finished reading Major Changes in International Air Law: The New Montreal Liability Convention I had a bonus article at the end!

Apparently the Egyptians had a decently well developed legal system with fixed procedures for dispute resolution, recognized the importance of due process and all that. They kept records of their decisions so they could resolve similar problems in a consistent fashion. Although there were no professional lawyers per se, scribes specialized in preparing legal documents, and also wrote wills and other documents of a legal nature.

Well, whadya know. We might not be part of the oldest profession in the world, but lawyers go way back.


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