one question quiz

Some people have names that are automatically short-formed. I'm not talking nicknames, I'm talking about things like Richard-Dick, Robert-Bob and William-Bill. (and, I'm told, Alexander-Sasha)

There should be an overarching term to refer to this kind of names. No, nickname and shortform are not what I'm looking for.

What is it? Lunch to whoever can tell me.


  1. Grace said...
    abbreviated names
    ell said...
    no, it's not that.
    grgh. it's hovering at the edge of my brain somewhere and the elusiveness is killing me.
    leia said...
    good for you.

    i wouldn't even bother squeezing that word i'm trying so desperately to find outta my brains. because based on experience and whoever's law of whatever, the word will come to your mind when you least need it or even think about it.

    patience is a virtue.
    ell said...


    Yay me.

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