The REALLY big news

Okay, so Chelsea are in the FA Cup Final. They left it a little late, but would you really have expected otherwise?

Anyhow, the other big hoohah news of the weekend emanating from England is the fact that Prince William split up from his longterm girlfriend, Kate Middleton. Okay, I honestly could care less about Prince William, but the newspapers have got it all wrong. It's not the fact that he's single, it's the fact that this lovely lady:

... is now available! Now that is news! Sorry, grad trip people, but you know how I was talking about eloping to England with this British girl the other day? Well, I was joking then. Now, I'm dead serious.


(Okay, I know the photograph isn't exactly very flattering, especially the one on the right but it's the best I could come up with on short notice. Love the dress, anyhow!)

1 Comment:

  1. shaaaa said...
    yea i think she is hawt but with a large dose of good taste.

    she looks good on the picture on the right. the shy endearing smile. geez.

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