In the co-op they sell a book entitled "Yong Pung How: Selected Speeches and Judgments". It's about as thick as poh chu chai's law of banker and customer, which I guess isn't surprising since well, the guy's had a long career of hearing lots and lots of cases and I'm sure he's invited all over to speak.

What I'm wondering is, what sort of book is it meant to be? A textbook, for those studying his life? A biography - albeit a technical and boring one? Or just some tribute/homage type book? I know I wouldn't just pick it up and read it, and I have rather broad taste in books. Forgot to check out how much it costs but I'm sure quite a pretty penny.

Which begs the next question. Who is the intended audience? Other than libraries I'm not too sure who will pick this up. Chan Sek Keong, maybe. And the rest of the Supreme Court bench. Law firms, to put in the reception area/conference room to look impressive. Other than that?

Law Students? Hahahahaha


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