grad trip by numbers

well, this is as good a place to start as any!

Days spent out of the country: 25

Number of bags at the start: 3

Number of bags on cart wheeled out of the arrival hall today: 7 (Unbelievable but true)

Countries visited: 5

Distance driven: 2022 miles

Amount of money spent: (i don't know. i don't particularly want to either. but it's a rather large number, believe me)

Number of photos taken: 1005, taking up a whopping 5.04GB of space

Birthdays celebrated: 2

Days spent shopping: 2 and part of a third.

Number of rides on Space Mountain: 4

Highest temperature experienced: 104 deg F, which works out to something like 40 deg C

Lowest temperature experienced: Not sure, but it was snowing so it was definitely below zero

Trophies won: 2 (Okay, not really related but still.)

Oh, and of course, last but not least: 2.7818.

Whom we have to thank for the number two. (this one's an inside joke)


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