for sandy

1. i like rhythm games at the arcade. not ddr though.
2. i have a collection of a bunch of dice, each with a different number of faces.
3. i want to drive from singapore to london. or vice versa.
4. when i was in jc, i used to play bridge competitively. i was pretty good at it too!
5. my land speed record is approx 200km/h, achieved somewhere in Nevada.
6. in another lifetime, i would've gone to oxford to do PPE and i'd probably be working in London right now.
7. i am completely clueless about the visual arts. van gogh and picasso and all mean nothing to me.

grrgh. yes. that was insanely hard.

oh, and this doesn't really count but,
i have this strange craving for kfc. or pfk, as it's called in french canada.


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