WTB a new right back!

In the Mourinho reign, no less than six players have played at right back: Paolo Ferreira, Geremi, Khalid Bhoularouz, Lassana Diarra, Michael Essien, Glen Johnson. Today, Shaun Wright Phillips - originally a winger, mind you - joined their (dubiously) illustrious ranks.

There is talk of Dani Alaves making a £24m move to Stamford Bridge. But is he really the solution to Chelsea's right back problem? Mind you, I haven't actually seen him play other than the odd random moment of Primera Liga highlights, but by all accounts he is more of a wing back in the mould of that other great Brazilian right back, Cafu, than the tough tackling stalwart Chelsea really need.

Mind you, Ashley Cole (and arguably Wayne Bridge as well) can hardly be considered defensive rocks themselves. Dare I say, in the style of Roberto Carlos? But at least Cole has one thing going for him - he has the full support and confidence of his manager. One can only wonder what goes through Ferreira, et al's head when the team sheet is out and they find out they're at right back. "Hopefully I don't get subbed out after half an hour" might be reasonably accurate.

Then again, Shaun Wright Phillips seemed to enjoy his 45 minutes at right back against Reading, so maybe, just maybe, he has found his true calling after all.


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