Of Nurses

So I hear Sha and Eileen are thinking of dressing up as nurses for Halloween...

Oops, wrong blog!.

Let's try again.

So today I paid a visit to the Wellness Centre thingie cause when I woke up my throat was killing me and I was too lazy to visit a doctor. I just needed some lozenges anyway. This is the first time where I've visited a clinic where the doctor was free/available, but I couldn't see him because the nurses kept goofing up my registration. Gee. There were two of them, and they kept (from what I could tell) confusing each other on what to do, and what to do next. I had to take my weight like, 3 times, cause they kept forgetting the result. Good grief.

Finally things got sorted out and I managed to see the doctor, which took all of 3 minutes - 2 minutes which were spent chatting. Then came the wait for the prescription. The dear nurses spent a while arguing among themselves on what was the correct medicine to dispense, and then they decided they would check with the doctor. After finding out the correct one they had to search for it in the system, (painstakingly entering the drug name on the keyboard. Ouch) find the drug, and then finally dispense it.

Meh. And to think they're open from 11-1 daily (not that I begrudge them, unlikely to be that many sick people here anyhow) I wonder what the nurses are doing the rest of the time?


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