Quick Foodie Post

Specially dedicated to Sha, whom I'm sure is hard at work studying and not reading blogs!

I know everyone has already been to Corduroy but I figured I'd do a foodie thing on it anyway. And since the place needs no introduction I can dive straight into the food.

French Onion Soup: Extremely dissapointing. Generally tasteless except that it was really salty. Lots of onions but could hardly tell they were used to cook the soup.

Mediterranean Platter: When they say for 1, it really means for one. A morsel of 9 different antipasti, but what wonderful morsels they were! Particularly delightful was the sun dried tomato and very lightly seared slab of pork.

Cobb Salad: Generous helping (but then at $16 a portion they'd better be generous!) with heaps of avocado, chicken, cheese, bacon bits and egg. Halfway through the meal it looked untouched! I particularly liked the egg, which was very finely diced but strangely didn't feel mashed. Taste to believe!

Some Spinach Truffle (I forget the exact name) Spinach drizzled in a creamy sauce topped off with fried onions. I didn't particularly like the onions but the spinach was good. Slightly soggy, but that's the way I like my spinach and the sauce was wonderful.

1 Comment:

  1. shaaaa said...
    Awwww.. i'm touched. Be good and update more.

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