The Ultimate Survey for:
Full Name: Irrelevant!

Nicknames: If you know it, please forget it. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE

Hometown: Er.

Do you make fun of people: No, people make fun of me

Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: No

Best online friends: I don't have any

One pillow or two?: One

Pets: None

Favorite Type of Music: Um, baroque/romantic classical, lyrical romantic ballads

Hobbies: Anything tech related. choral singing. the piano.

Dream Car: realistically, audi tt. in-your-dreams, too many to list

Type of Car you drive now: Mercedes-Benz 180E

Words or Phrases you overuse: alright.

Favorite Food: again, too many to list. i generally like anything that tastes good

Online Crush: *ahem*

Current Boyfriend/Girlfriend: *ahem*

Piercing or tattoos?: Never ever

Date of Birth: 14/05/1982

Most romantic thing that ever happened to you: when i was six this swiss girl in my class gave me a reallyreally nice valentine.

Do you get along with your parents: yar!

Favorite town to chill in: halifax, nova scotia

Favorite Ice Cream: half baked, ben & jerrys

Favorite Soft Drink: always the real thing.

What's your bed time: 2am. on the dot!

Favorite Perfume/Cologne: don't wear any

Favorite Song at the moment: sanctus, by libera

Favorite Website: duh! (ok, actually, i guess)

Least Favorite Subject in School: Consti. Bah.

Favorite Sport to Watch: Soccer. you mean there are other sports?

Most humiliating (paiseh) moment: nothing comes to mind

Favorite Holiday: anything involving a nice long drive in the middle of nowhere

What do you look for in the opposite sex?: intelligence

Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: well in the past 24 hours i've recieved this from three different people whom I haven't heard from in years. hopefull I next hear from them in less than a year.

Things I've learned from life: hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. (cf 2 posts before this)

Favorite number : 42

Favorite color: pink?

Greatest experience in your lifetime: eh, im barely a quarter of a century old. what's 'greatest'?

Why are you here on earth?: to amuse other people

Who means the most to you?: *ahem*

Drinking habits: *ahem*

Favorite Quote: "Hard work often pays off after a time. Procrastination pays off right now."

Do you believe in reincarnation? No.

Do you consider yourself a good listener? ya

Would you rather be short or tall? tall

Would you rather be overly happy and poor, or overly wealthy and happy? overly wealthy and happy, duh. everyone knows that excessive wealth can buy excessive happiness

Would you consider your relationship with your parents bad, okay, good? good, very.

Do you like to dance? i dunno, maybe if i could i would like it.

Are you shy to ask someone out? yes

Do you like to talk on the phone? occassionally. it helps if the person i'm talking to is chatty

Would you rather go on a walk or watch tv? neither. nuaaa

What's your dream honeymoon place? bora bora, tahiti

If you had a round-trip ride in any time machine, where would you go? 1492 when christopher columbus first set off to find the 'east'. i've always wondered what the world would be like if he'd actually found the east like the meant to, instead of the carribean

If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? "Hollow Man"

If you could change your name, what would it be? bob

Have you ever thought you were going to die? no

What's the hardest thing about growing up? when you're young, you figure people older than you know everything and can solve all problems. as you get older, the truth slowly dawned

If this Saturday, you could do ANYTHING you wanted, what would you do? i hear the arctic is nice at this time of the year

If there would be one thing about yourself that you could change, what would it be? develop a better work ethic

Have you ever wanted to run away? Run where? no. i like my life!

What's your worst fear? eh, i'm a happy person

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? 'animal' isn't exactly the best way to describe it.

Have you ever felt you were in love? Yes.

What guy/girl do you want more than anyone else? kate beckinsale

If you could be any animal what would you be? any with a matriarchal society so i get to slack more and get fed anyway

If you could do anything to the person you hated most what would it be? i don't hate

meh. that took longer and expected. the *ahems* are for questions that have unpublishable answers. besides, ignorance is bliss. ask if you dare!


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