Does that mean jerks finish last? We hear it all the time “He treated her like a queen, and she’s just heartless for dumping him”. Why women dump a guy who is kind, considerate, generous, and willing to do just about anything for her? Does that mean woman want jerks who don’t open door for her, don’t buy her roses and do all the opposite she tells him? No, women wants an equal, caring partner and not an insecure nice guy.

Don’t get me wrong. I may not represent all the women out there and not all women walk over nice guys, there’s some and it’s not fair that all women get placed into that category. So, What’s wrong with Nice Guys? The biggest problem is that most Nice Guys are hideously insecure. Nice guy are just so anxious of being liked and love and they will do almost anything to gain acceptance and attention, rather than for the simply pleasure of giving.

What Nice Guys thinks they did it right:.
1) They are inconfident and afraid she may dissapear or become attracted to someone else, so they cling to her always.
2) They are indecisive and always asking her to make the decisions. They afraid being blame if the decision was an unwise one.
3) They don’t have want, need and expect in the relationship. They just give in and rarely speak up when something bothers them because they fear that any kind of conflict might spell the end of the relationship.
4) They claimed that she is a difficult person and should be thankful to him by saying “no one will ever love her as much as I do.” just because they think they will never meet anyone as special as she is.
5) They believe that he is the best person otherwise his insecurities will overrun him with jealousies and fear.
6) They thinks that by “giving in with all efforts and sacrifice”, it will make him a better, more lovable person. He thinks it will give him a sense of accomplishment, and that she will appreciate and love him more.

After going through the 6 points above, if you are woman, do you prefer such a Nice Guy? I always believe that “No woman will leave a man if he is such a nice guy”, there must be a reason behind and yet the reason is pretty clear sometimes. Although Nice Guys have his temper and do quarrel, but at the end they will do whatever in his power to give in and change, but the more he is willing to change and give in, it makes women felt guilty, demanding and selfish and in turn they(women) hated themselves.In such reaction, this is where the decision of ending the relationship come from. They need someone who can speak for themselves and stand up to their demand. The ultimate truth here is that Nice Guys just don’t love themselves, women need someone who’ll love himself more. In order to truly love someone else, you must first love yourself. Let’s be very truthful now. Stop saying “I’m such a nice guy, why did she has to leave me “. Hope you really get what it mean.
Are you a nice guy? or if you are girl, do you like being worshiped like a queen and why?


A Recovering Nice Guy


  1. Anonymous said...
    -i do like guys who are confident about themselves...stand up for themselves

    -i like guys who knows when to play around and when to be serious

    -i like guys who admit their mistakes and become a better man instead of shutting themselves out when trouble arises.

    -i don't want to be always treated like a queen...i like to be independent but also liked to be shown with affection once in a while...

    -i may not represent all the women out there but this is how i feel...

    - being a good guy has it's pros and cons... same goes with bad-ass boys...
    Anonymous said...
    Amiable brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.

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