Breakfast at Tiffany's #2

This post is actually related to the movie itself, not a spin-off.
In the movie, Audrey Hepburn's character is persued by her upstairs neighbor, who falls in love with her after a few seemingly flighty encounters and a trip to Tiffany & Co. New York. Initially she rejects his advances but at the end of the movie she reciprocates his feelings - after almost marrying some rich Brazilian dude (What else?)

Only at the movies can two complete strangers meet, fall in love, get married in about the time it takes for a first date. Granted, its the movies after all, and movies are presented precisely for the everyman to escape from real life for 90 minutes, but sometimes didn't you wish that your life, though filled with twists and other plot devices would all come out in the wash so easily as well?

And then there's the thing which sandra alluded to the other day. Wouldn't life be much easier if people just spoke in plain and simple english without the innuendos and (double) entendres and goodness knows what? And you actually said what was on your mind, and meant it? It'd sure be nice to have a script of lines (or maybe a song!) to follow instead of bumbling your way around conversations, especially conversations of that kind. Yeah, I know life is more interesting and fun this way, but then I'm a boring old codger. With absolutely no sense for the subtle.

Oh, and how come in movies guys are allowed to potong jalan but in real life guys who do it (if they can actually pull it off) are called b*****ds?


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