Breakfast at Tiffany's #1

Breakfast at Tiffany's - Deep Blue Something

You'll say, we've got nothing in common,
No common ground to start from,
And we're falling apart,
You'll say, the world has come between us,
Our lives have come between us,
Still I know you just don't care.

And I said, "What about 'Breakfast at Tiffany's?'"
She said, "I think I remember the film,
And as I recall, I think, we both kind of liked it."
And I said, "Well that's, the one thing we've got."

I see you, the only one who knew me,
And now your eyes see through me,
I guess I was wrong,
So what now? It's plain to see we're over,
And I hate when things are over,
When so much is left undone.


You'll say, that we've got nothin in common,
No common ground to start from,
And we're falling apart,
You'll say the world has come between us,
Our lives have come between us,
Still I know you just don't care.



And I said, "What about 'Breakfast at Tiffany's?'"
She said, "I think I, remember that film,
And, as I recall, I think, we both kind of liked it,"
And I said, "Well that's, the one thing we got."

And I said, "What about 'Breakfast at Tiffany's?'"
She said, "I think I, remember that film,
And, as I recall, I think, we both kind of liked it,"
And I said, "Well that's, the one thing we got."

Drop me a line for mp3 goodness, including a fabulous a capella rendition by the King's Singers.

Wikipedia to the rescue again: Sung from the perspective of a young man faced with a potential break-up with his girlfriend. Desperate to find common ground, the singer can only think of a vague memory that they both like the film Breakfast at Tiffany's, and argues that that tenuous link between the lovers should serve as enough motivation for them to work out their problems and stay together as a couple.

Anyhow, the lyrics kinda made me think about relationships, and things that draw people together. Opposites attract, yet what exactly do two people so opposite have in common? They happen to like the same movie? And is it possible for two people who had so much in common at the beginning of a relationship have absolutely nothing in common at the end? Or is that just a trick of the mind?


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