Caught it today at a friend's place and as movies go, it was so-so. I remember watching it from long ago but it didn't make an impression. It did today, but for a different reason. Oddly enough, the movie made me think about all sorts of other things, which I shall attempt to frame into issues.

Audrey Hepburn is pretty and I like her accent/voice, but that's about it. For all you uncouth heathen who've never watched classic movies before, plot spoiler lifted off wikipedia:

The movie is about Holly Golightly, a young woman always on the run from herself. Lacking a stable childhood, she marries at the age of thirteen, has the marriage annulled, moves to Hollywood to start a film career, leaves Hollywood for New York (where she earns money as a call girl and by unwittingly carrying coded messages for an incarcerated mafia boss), and plans to leave New York for Brazil to marry one of the world's richest men.

The main plot of the movie is Holly's relationship with neighbor Paul Varjak, who has confidence problems of his own. The film is basically a romantic comedy involving the relationship between Holly and Paul, Holly and her other paramours, and the resolution that occurs within Holly's own mind and between Holly and Paul. The film includes Audrey Hepburn singing the original performance of "Moon River" and the famous closing sequence that shows Paul's "lecture" to Holly and Holly's self-discovery of who she really is and who makes her truly happy. The film ends with a famous scene in the rain.


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