A couple of days ago, during some random law iv rehearsal, someone said to myself and Liangying, "No, I'm not musically talented. Not like you guys." Which made me think of how much of a charlatan I am. I don't actually have much/any musical talent. I just put myself forward as such. Haha. Sure, I can play a whole host of instruments. I can sing passably. I've taken music lessons in any number of forms for a gazillion years. But in terms of having that actual gift (a la Liz) and the ear and the hands for music, I'm nowhere.

Which got me thinking about the whole jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none thing. Would you rather be exceedingly talented at one particular skill, or be averagely mediocore at a whole host of things? The first person people mention when conversation moves to some field or other - the star, standing tall, or just another brick in the wall? (Apologies for the law iv references! No prizes for guessing whats foremost in my thoughts nowadays)

I can sing decently, play (averagely) the piano, the organ, the guitar, and novicely a bunch of other instruments (am learning the drums, yay!) I'd also like to think I'm a passable music and voice teacher. But I'd give all this up for the ability to play one particular instrument superlatively. Or am I being greedy and asking for too much?


  1. Anonymous said...
    dude, cheer up, you're a great great great help! :) and seriously, after reading your (short) blog that is heavily peppered with law iv references, i'm convinced you're going to have serious post-production blues after this week is over. :D
    Anonymous said...
    me, i'm exceedingly talented at a whole host of things :P


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