
* Because I can't think of a clever name. I wouldn't normally blog about my life, but I accumulated a couple of photos over the course of today so...

Our dear directors being kind enough to give us a day off from law iv, I had the day to do as I please. After somewhat obligatory and somewhat perfunctory attendance at banking lecture (yay for starting and ending 15 minutes late. not.) Anyhow, it was off to lunch at some somewhat-swanky japanese bento box place at Tanglin Shopping Center (not Tanglin Mall; I have confused the two on a number of occassions) Two old, but still very dear friends provided company for the afternoon. Sharon, back for summer holidays from med school in London (which precipitated the meetup) and Elsa, teacher of English Literature at WafflesRaffles Institution.

I'm rather amazed (but very glad!) that though the three of us come from vastly different backgrounds, we're still able to get along so well together. Sharon, though from MGS, did prep school in England before starting Med school there, and Elsa was from a very Chinese-y SAP school before that-green-and-white-garbed-school-formerly-situated-across-the-buona-vista-divide, then NUS and NIE. Well to be honest they get along well with me a la Meihui - basically making fun of me at every opportunity. But I digress.

From left to right - Elsa, looking amazingly youthful despite her slightly auntified hairdo, Sharon, who claimed to want to be in the midle of the shot to 'hide her monkey ears', and yours truly, looking slightly bemused at the whole affair (We had to ask a waitress to help us take a picture with a camera phone)

After a short interlude at Queensway buying sports supplies, next stop was Settler's at HV to play *gasp* Munchkin! Elsa was a seasoned pro so we taught Sharon who picked up extremely fast. Of course they happily ganged up against me at every opportunity.

Random card from Munchkin that rather amused me. For those of you too lazy to squint at the unfocused picture, it reads:


Will not attack a thief (professional courtesy). A Thief encountering a lawyer may instead discard 2 treasures and draw 2 new ones face down.

Bad Stuff: He hits you with an injunction. Let each other player draw one card from your hand, starting with the player to your left. Discard any remainder.

The evening was spent playing tennis with my brother, sister, brother's girlfriend and a couple of friends from church. And I use the word playing in a very loose sense here, where I mean hitting the ball and hoping it goes across to the other side. Well, it seemed that way to me at least.

Anyhow, here's a pretty decent series of pictures taken from a camera phone - albeit the Cybershot k800i. With such funky technology, who needs proper cameras? The 3.2MP camera on the phone is as good as, if not better, my first digitcal camera. Person in question playing the ball is my brother, and the phone in question belongs to my sister. No idea what I was doing at the time. (Random extra person wandering around in the scene is brother's girlfriend)


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