Of Parrots

I am exceedingly, extremely, enormously irritated by the IndianLLM students in my Biz & Finance class. As a back story, being LLM students they have first dibs on all classes, meaning they filled up a third (10 out of 30 places) of the class even before law ivs - technically at the top of the pecking order - had a chance to have a go. Which means my friends all the people around me who wanted to do this course couldn't. Or will now have to do it next semester (Which might not be such a bad idea!)

Anyhow. There are 2 particular students who have been seriously getting on my nerves. They always insist on speaking very loudly, often drowning out someone else who had been speaking earlier. They always chiong to answer every single question, even the obviously historicalrhetorical questions. Even more amusingannoying, they are oftentimes slightly slow in their answers, when someone else has already said the correct answer. Undaunted, they will repeat the answer to irritate everyone for everyone's benefit in case they missed it the first time. (Whether they knew the answer already or are just repeating someone elses' answer, I do not know)

Edit : Apparently it happens in Admiralty too.

Edit 2 : They're everywhere! Credit & Security and IP as well!

1 Comment:

  1. monsteress said...
    you racist.

    haha but i find them irritating also.

    the worst part - they answer wrongly and loudly.

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