random rants...

... about btc (what else?)

  • Why is the library so removed from the rest of the world? Going there feels like going on this great expedition or something. Bah. Oh, and the closed stacks aren't available yet. After like 7 weeks of school.
  • The co-op closes at 2. I mean, how slack can you get? The way it works right now, they're closed before some people even get to school (if you have 3 o'clock classes) On the plus side, it's chock full of some very good junk food. Ritter Sport and Droste for example. Which you can't get to if you happen to be in school at 8. Or even 4.
  • There is a SingPost mailbox, but no one sells stamps.
  • The study room has this wierd musty smell. And the glass door doesn't seem very good at keeping the noise out. If it's meant to do so at all.
  • Why are there random locked doors in stairwells? And why are they only locked sometimes? Like, some kind soul will put masking tape on the lock thingie in the door, but it disappears from time to time.
  • The toilet on the first floor outside the study room is extremely badly ventilated. The guy's one at least, no idea how the girls one works. And you can smell it walking from the coop/canteen to the lift lobby.
  • There's no place to conduct 'academic discussion' a la benches outside student's counter at KR. There are a few lonely round tables outside the MPA, but that's it.
  • The mailboxes are in deepest siberia. In other words, remote, located in a hard to get to, frigid environment.
  • General lack of variety and quality in the canteen/cafeteria. Though the drinks stall uncle is nice. And there's my happy meal at the western stall. And the jap food is decent. Then again, there's Adam road and all that so shouldn't really complain.
  • On the first day of law school, R said to me...
  • It's mid-term break and the place still freaking reminds me of Little India on a Sunday afternoon. The other day there was this dude yelling so loudly into his mobile in some foreign language I could hear him from 2 floors away. Wasn't all construction work supposed to be completed before school began and we all moved in?
  • In case you missed it the first time round, parking.
  • On a related note, the diarrhea-ed birds that populate the carpark opposite the canteen.
  • Whats up with the gym? It looks done. Why isn't it open yet?
Ok, that last one isn't really a rant about btc. Whatever. I'm still screwed.

What's your rant?


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