Here's something else from the other end of the spectrum.

Drawn to you I have been,
Your beauty I see is not just within,
Your kindness given to all who ask,
On my knee I begin my task.
I tremble as I hold the ring,
I just want to be with someone so caring,
I hold my hand up toward you as I prepare to say,
Darling will you be mine this day,
I only worry knowing the fearful fact,
That you will say no to this love abiding pact,
But my heart I must put on the line,
For someone who is of the most divine.


  1. Anonymous said...
    lingster sorry i said it was morbid. AHHA. but it is! (:

    anyway uncle,

    what a wonderful poem,
    that i read at 7:58am.
    i hope u'll remember it and *ahem*,
    give it to your future girlfriend.

    i hate it when everything i say and mean rhymes. it so auto man.

    okay byebye (:

    -your FRIEND who's name starts with the letter EM.
    Anonymous said...
    oh yes, i meant the LAST poem was morbid, and THIS poem to give to your FGF. ohmy, can you imagine if you gave her the wrong poem?!!!! you can just die (pun intended).

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