sucks to be me

So today I was doing some research, but my laptop wasn't on. (we all know how distracting and counter-productive to work those can be) Anyhow I took down some references to check up later. Except I seem to have totally forgotten what I wrote.

I have:

KG 4095 Die 2006 - the Diedriks-Verschoor Intro to Air Law book on RBR at the library. This was the easiest to track down

5 A&S L 3 (1991) which i think is (1991) 5 Journal of Air and Space Law 3. It could be the McGill Annals of Air and Space Law thingie but at least I only have two to check out.

And then. The clincher.

1997 11(3) International asdlkfhjsadljlsadf Journal 389. Of all the words to scribble illegibly, I seem to have missed out the MOST IMPORTANT ONE. Like, "Journal" is a given. "International" shouldn't be too hard to track down. But. International WHAT Journal?



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