Totally Random Question

You know how some sinks have two taps, while others have one? The two taps are easy to figure out - one dispenses regular water, and the other dispenses warm/hot water, if you're wiling to wait a while. In temperate countries this is slightly ridiculous though because to get lukewarm water you have to mix water in the sink, since hot water can get real hot real quick.

But I digress. Now, for the one tap sinks. There's this lever on the tap - raise it to adjust water pressure, and if you turn it one way, hot water comes out after a while. What if you turn the lever the other way though? Do you get extra cold water? Apparently not, cause I don't know of any house that has a water cooler built into it's plumbing (would be a cool - pun intended! - idea though) So what's the purpose of being able to turn the lever the other way?

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    that is WAY random man.

    but then again, i think it would be quite strange if you could only turn tap knobs in one direction, it just feels wrong. and besides, the water does get colder laaaa. there is a stark difference when you turn the knob to the extreme left, then to the extreme right.
    repeat this motion several times - you'll get it



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