
Well, not so much cruisin' as er. how to put this delicately. heart-stopping car ride of doom? okay, more like the kind of thrill ride you get at amusement parks where it looks like you're gonna crash but you swerve away at the last possible second. anyway, some choice sound bites:

"When I say slow down, I don't mean stop!"

"He doesn't fasten his seat belt when he drives but it's fastened when he's in the back seat?"

(instructor)"Turn right in front. its a sharp turn."
(panicked driver)"eek eek can someone else do it?"

"Grace lee looks like she's going to throw up"

"Er, I can't park, can someone else do it?"

(much cannot be transcribed as they consist of odd high pitched whine-y noises that don't transcribe well)

But all's well that ends well I guess. Huh.


  1. xx krystle xx said...
    ya. so everyone should stop complaining about my driving. the worst i do is drive too fast.
    leia said...
    i cannot, absolutely cannot parallel park to save my life or save the two unlucky cars from being hit.

    how can anyone remain calm while parallel parking?!
    crimson springs said...
    at least i didnt wanna puke on the ride to hv. hurhur

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