introducing, leia

Apparently, if you are EFFICIENT and GOOD AT YOUR JOB, you can spend a fraction of your time at work actually working, and the rest of your time doing other things, like irritating entertaining your friends who are actually trying to study for exams. Okay, exam.

Anyhow, this person is sufficiently bored and random enough to qualify as a guest contributor right here at this blog, random-ness and boredom central.

Just as a sneak preview of the writing you might come to expect:

leia says:
anyway you owe me icecream
ell says:
leia says:
because the last time you said you would buy me icecream!
ell says:
i did?
leia says:
yes you did
ell says:
let's go ben n jerry's tomorrow then.
ill get you an icecream cone
leia says:
hahaha. tomorrow's free cone day. WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO KID
ell says:
it was worth a try.


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