primary school nostalgia

1. 40 cents Chocolate or Strawberry Milk in the school canteen.
2. You grew up watching He-man, Transformers, Ninja turtles, Captain Planet, Tom & Jerry, Mickey Mouse, Rainbow Brite and Little Pony!
3. Sharity Elephant donation envelopes were distributed every Children's Day.
4. When you were late, the last person you wanted to see was the prefect or the discipline mistress/master.
5. You've probably read Young Generation mag. You know who's Vinny the little vampire and Acai the constable.
6. Movie tickets used to cost only $5!
7. Girls were fascinated by Strawberry Shortcake and Barbie Dolls.
8. You learnt how to laugh like the Count in Sesame Street.
9. Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Famous Five and Secret Seven were probably the thickest story books you ever read. Even Sweet Valley High and Malory Towers.
10. KFC used to be a high-class restaurant.
11. Catching was the IN thing.
12. Waterbottles were slinged around your neck.
13. The balsam plant and angsana were the most important plants in your life. Guppies and goldfishes the most important fishes.
14. BATA, BM2000 or Pallas shoes.
15. Your form teacher taught you Math, Science and English.
16. Spelling tests and mental sums every week!
17. Freaking out when you had to hold hands with someone of the opposite gender.
18. Class monitors and prefects loved to say: "You talk somemore, I write your name ah!"
19. There were at least 38 people in one class.
20. You brought every single book to school, even though there was one thing called the timetable.


  1. xx krystle xx said...
    i was reading things like joyce's a portrait of the artist as a young man and achebe's things fall apart in primary school. nancy drew was in kindergarten lor.

    and i won a consolation prize in one of the Young Generation contests before!!

    i never went to KFC though. cos my parents said oily food is bad for cholesteral (serious).
    leia said...
    KFC was no. 1 banned place for me in primary school too! when you're kids, the parents don't kid with "proper balanced healthy meals" either.

    life is hard.
    xx krystle xx said...
    when i was in primary 6 and my mum upped my allowance i went to KFC all by myself.
    and then the chicken was like... bloody.
    after that i didn't dare to eat kfc liao.

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