
how sinister of lingwei to toy with my feelings.

quotes from previous entry:

statement one:
"If not from me then by my trusty sidekick leia who is not going on holiday and will be random in my place. (If she can tear hear browser away from etsy, that is)"

statement two:
"And okay, I will miss leia (who someimes seems crazier than my crazy friends, but thats another story) too, abit. "

so i can't decide whether to feel sore/grieved that i CANNOT do heaps of shopping and sight-seeing in the US, or feel oh-so-regal that i will be missed. har har.
and by the way, is a very hip hip website. i strongly encourage. although i must say that having a good credit health is almost imperative, 'cause it's really addictive (:

and yes, since lingwei has decided to exploit my utter randomness ("Watch this space for updates! If not from me then by my trusty sidekick leia") , i'll be posting on his behalf till the jedi returns.

"i'm off!", said the madwoman. "have a nice life, everyone."


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