In a development that seems rather surreal, it's finally happened. All the months of planning and negotiation and mediation and goodness knows what else is finally drawing to a close, and in just over 6 hours I'll be stepping on a plane that first goes to Seoul, and then on to Vancouver. I'll spend the next three-and-a-half weeks or so living out of a suitcase halfway across the world, continuing the strange tradition that is grad trip.

Watch this space for updates! If not from me then by my trusty sidekick leia who is not going on holiday and will be random in my place. (If she can tear hear browser away from etsy, that is)

Special note to my crazy friends: Will miss you guys! There, I've come out and said it, happy? I could give a list including the picnics and the teas and all, but it's the whole, shall we say, experience? Aha. Going away together would be nice, but oh well... Enjoy your own trips (well, if Sha's actually happens) and will see you two when we all get back.

And okay, I will miss leia (who someimes seems crazier than my crazy friends, but thats another story) too, abit. Don't miss me too much k!


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