
Apparently, that's the average weight of a human brain. And also, the title of the latest medical-related tv series to hit cable, currently showing on Hallmark channel (Yes, I do watch channels other than Disney) It's similiar to House except it deals exclusively with people with brain problems - the lead doctor is a neurosurgeon.

As I was watching (it's strictly averagely cliche, plot-wise) I got to thinking about all the professions that are glorified on TV. Doctors never stop being popular, the latest wave being Grey's and House, but ER is always a perennial favorite. Lawyers come and go - Boston Legal is decent, Ally McBeal, well, personal opinion I guess. Other professions in the limelight include the President of the United States of America (The West Wing), policemen (NYPD Blue) various secret agent types (Alias, 24, etc etc).

But what about /real/ jobs? (Admit it, being a lawyer is nowhere near what they portray it to be on television) The closest I can think of is Chandler on Friends whose an accountant. But how come no one ever made a TV show revolving around an accounting firm? They can call it In the Balance. Or The Bottom Line or something. I'd watch it! Or maybe an mathematician show. (A Beautiful Mind doesn't count) The Golden Ratio sounds exciting. e. Mmmhmmm.

Ok, so maybe there's a reason why these shows don't exist.


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