Flower Power

From Important Delivery Information at fareastflora:

Kindly note that for peak seasons such as Valentine's Day & Chinese New Year, deliveries cannot be made to Jurong Island, Tuas, Changi Airport Cargo and Airbase, and PSA (Free Freight Zone), Sentosa, military bases, and school campuses.

Eh? School campuses? Pardon my ignorance, but how would such a delivery work normally? The delivery guy gets his bouquet, walks to the school gate... then what? Go to the office, where the office would make an announcement to the school over the PA "Paging for Ms. So-and-so, you have a delivery waiting for you." Otherwise, how will the bouquet ever make it into the hands of that oh-so-fortunate target of a rather wealthy boy's affections?

And you'd imagine it would be even more complicated at institutions of higher learning, where people are generally wealthy and can afford fareastflora's offerings - upwards of $79.90 for a vday bouquet. How can anyone locate a single specific person at say, KR? Or even Block B? I mean, we have enough trouble getting the Pizza Hut dude to find us, and in this case we're expecting him. What about the oblivious girl about to recieve a huge bouquet of 99 roses? She might be hiding in some corner of the law lib while her roses wither and die.

(If you haven't guessed it yet, it's assignment time and new posts will come hard and fast.)


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